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How to undo changes in git

Undo unstaged local changes

To overwrite local changes:

git checkout -- [file]

To save local changes so you can re-use them later:

git stash

To discard local changes to all files, permanently:

git reset --hard

Undo staged local changes

To unstage the file but keep your changes:

git restore --staged [file]

To unstage everything but keep your changes:

git reset

To unstage the file to current commit (HEAD):

git reset HEAD [file]

To discard all local changes, but save them for later:

git stash

To discard everything permanently:

git reset --hard

Undo committed local changes

To swap additions and deletions changes introduced by a commit:

git revert [hash]

To undo changes on a single file or directory from a commit, but retain them in the staged state:

git checkout [hash] [file]

To undo changes on a single file or directory from a commit, but retain them in the unstaged state:

git reset [hash] [file]

Undo remote changes without changing history

git revert [hash]